Glitz -Gli

Glitz creates spots over the body which can be small or medium sized spots depending on which you marking style you go for. This marking can cover over the entire body and should appear on at least one section of the body without eye squinting nor trying to guess where the marking is. 
It should cover at least 70% of the minimal coverage area listed below
If this marking is too hard to see on your Mythikan design, there will be a high chance of your design approval being instantly declined and asked to be reworked. You can only choose one marking style unless you are using Reversal with this marking.

Areas which are considered minimal coverage:

  • Neck
  • Chest
  • Shoulders / front legs (if Polymelia, should be both set of front legs)
  • Hips
  • Hind legs (If Polymelia, should be both back legs)
  • Tail


Speckles and Sparkles Marking style


Colouration and interactions with other markings:

This marking style creates very small spots to bigger spots over the body. Even though these can be minuscule, they should still be visible without having to eye squint and see where you have placed this marking without needing to question where it is. Bigger spots would imitate animals such as leopards, hyena and cheetahs. These spots can be either darker or lighter than the base coat. Reversal does not affect this marking style at all.

[Image Example]

Only with Spectral marking can you make the spots to be different colours and appear as polka dots over the body. Only with Spectral can you make the marking appear like a snow leopard spots.

Dual Tone can only make the spots fade out into the body. It would not create gradients over the marking at all.

Things to avoid
  • If you have both Spectral and Dual tone, you will need to pick one or the other.
  • It can not add gradient to your polka dots and nor can it make your spots fade out either.
  • If caught doing this, you will be asked to amend your design without it being checked.


Hex Marking Style


Colouration and interactions with other markings:

This imitates giraffe's hexagonal alike marking and mainly covers the majority of the body. It should start from the spine area and trail into the body. This should be darker than the base coat and should not have any other markings layering above or below it apart from Calico, Piebald, Accents, Blanket and Void


Only with Dual Tone can this marking fade into the underbelly areas. 

Reversal will only make the marking become lighter than the base coat.

Things to avoid:
  • Making this marking too circular Creating small 'spots'.
  • They should be easily visible.
  • Make the spots appear too linear


Fawn Marking Style


Colouration and interactions with other markings:

This marking style is the only one which allows you to have a soft or smooth blurred marking ove the rob cage area with white, off white or cream spots on top.Where the spots start and finish will be smaller whilst the ones in 'the middle' will be bigger in size comparison. Spectral does not affect this markiing style at all.


Shine will only affect the white spots and will only shine the same colour as the spots you are using.

On aquatic animals, this marking style will appear more like light relected wave marking than spots.

Things to avoid:
  • Making the spots look irregular and random.
  • Try to keep the spots in a 'line' wrapping around the stomach and hips area.

Created: 8 February 2025, 20:14:11 UTC
Last updated: 11 February 2025, 22:27:09 UTC