Terms of Service


Mythika Realms is a unique ARPG based on Mythology with a baseline from a story made by Zyruinova, developed and modified to be an open universal use to the public to create your own stories and characters for role playing through art and literature. Zyruinova holds all rights to Mythika-Realms and all its originality.

Whilst people do spend real currency and points within this group, we have placed some rules to help you throughout your journey and we take any rule breaking serious, taking action were necessary. Should people have any issues, being it staff or other users, you have every right to get in contact with Zyruinova immediately, taking all screenshots to them and stating full descriptive statements of what happened. They will sort things out accordingly. However, should it be an easy matter to just ask why, please do not hesitate to ask our staff in the departments first.

Our discord will always be open should you have any questions or just want to seek some help. We have dedicated channels for our departments to help you, which you can see on our team page who is which department or you can use the mention feature (@) followed by the staff team role in order to get a response from one of the team. We only ask that you do not tag an admin to ask them to roll your results for you when you have just posted a request, if an admin has not got to your request within 7 days, only then you can tag admins in discord. Its is an admins responsibility to mention to Zyruinova of any back log for them to hire more individuals into our team.


As a community, we aim to make the group friendly and try our utmost to prevent any discrimination, slander, abuse and any other drama which can cause grief or hardships to others. We aim to make your experience fun and enjoyable as much as possible whilst including many challenges throughout your journey in Mythika. We expect you to treat others how you want to be treated, always be fair, respectful and nice to other members in the group.

If there are any issues between members or you think that members are breaking the rules to keep things fair, then please do contact the admins as soon as possible. Make a ticket on our discord and provide all the evidence you can to the topic. We never base situations based on what people are feeling and always deal with situations accordingly with hard written facts and evidence


Mythika is a Realm World that is within one of Nova's main story line - No Regrets. Nova is the rightful owner and creator to Mythika, the story line, characters and creatures as well as everything else within this ARPG. Evrah also owns thier character who is connected to Nova and Nero and has some part to play within the story line, No Regrets, and they hold the rightful ownership to thier character.

The different creature species within Mythika-ARPG all belong to Nova, however if you own a Mythikan, you have the rights to that character. Meaning that Nova owns the creature species but you can change your Mythikan into another species if you wish to do so, however we do recommend that you get proof or clarification of what you can turn the Mythikan into. You may need Nova's written permission on hand anyways if you are changing the species from Mythikan into something else, as other species owners may require you to get written proof from Nova.

Is co-ownership allowed in Mythika? Yes, we allow co-ownership, however if there are any problems or break ups between the members, the person that was written on the 'owner' section in the description will get the full rights to the character. If you have pain real money for it, or done split payments, ensure that you get put on the 'owner' section or provide proof to Nova and they will compensate you for it accordingly, however you must provide proof that you have paid for the Mythikan.

What if we are banned? We really hope that things don't come to that, we do not wish to ban anyone from the group. If you do get banned, you can request written permission proof that Nova has given you permission to show to other species owners. Your Mythikan will technically still exist and will never get erased from existence, you can still do art and stories of your Mythikan, but yu won't be able to play in some of the areas in Mythika.


We do actually take some rule breaks seriously and deal with them depending on the situations and severity of the rule break. Most rule breaks we will just point out what needs doing to fix the situation but some can be pushed to being banned from the group which we really hope that things do not come to that. All rule breaks you must provide links, screenshots and any other valuable information to support your case.

Alerting Admins!

While we do allow you to make alerts to admins via our discord, we do not allow you to do any of the following:

  • Spam them in the discord group for attention
  • Attempt to alert admins right after you posted your request. Give them a maximum of 7 days to respond to your requests. Nova does work on Mythika on the weekends on various areas of the game.
  • Spam thier DM's or notes with questions or alert notifications.

If you have any alerts or questions, then please use the ticket system within our discord. If there is something personal that you wish to discuss with an admin or Nova, make a ticket and that state so once the ticket has been created. You will then be able to discuss what you wanted to with that admin.

Created: 7 April 2024, 15:28:24 UTC
Last updated: 30 November 2024, 16:11:50 UTC