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Miscellaneous Import Colouring (Information Only)

Category: Coat Colours

Mouth Colouring

Mouth areas consist of the teeth, gums and tongue. These should all be natural colours, unless stated in the markings otherwise. These do not have to be the same colourations as the parents.

[Example on left] The only time this does not look natural is when Shine marking is present in the pup's genetics, as it can create a 'glow' from inside its mouth and will never have any effect on the teeth or gums except cast a gradient.

Here are some premade colour palettes which you can choose from should you get stuck at any point:

[ Exmples here ]

Flesh and Paws:


(coming soon)

Eye Colourations

(coming soon)

Colouring lines

(coming soon)

Import Halo's

(coming soon)

Accents - Acc

Accents - Acc (Common)

Category: Markings

Accents is a marking which covers the majority of the underbelly and has a light range over the shoulders area on some creatures. This gives the underbelly a definitive natural look to the creature's markings and is one of the most common genes in the game. There are various different styles to this marking and should not have any 'holes' nor fancy shapes anywhere over the body with this marking, this includes any fancy markings such as Tribal, Merle, Tabby, Wilddog, Aura, Calico, Defier. The only exception to this rule would be piebald, however Piebalad would need to be worked into the Accent markings. See below for more information on this.

You have freedom of choosing from any of the Accent markng styles shown below as well as how much you are wanting to apply on the underbelly. Please remember to stick to the marking restrictions guide. Be aware, reversal has no effect to this marking.

Should you have the Albino Mutation, be aware that the Accent marking will 'vanish' or should be very difficult to see. It will also prevent this marking from appearing darker than the base coat colour. This applies to any of the Accent Styles which you pick from below.

Pangare Marking Style


[Image Examples]

Colouration and interactions with other markings:

Pangare Marking style will always be a smooth blur or have a soft blur, blending its way into the body. There should be absolutely no hard edges to this marking at all. 

[Blending Examples here]

The Pangare Marking Style can either be darker or lighter shades than the base colour you have selected. However, this marking will never appear as pure white nor black. This colour can be very subtle to the base colour or distinctly noticable.

[Example on left]

[Example on right] If you have the Dual Tone marking, you can either have two different shades of Pangare, or you can just apply a gradien to the marking style. Please keep in mind, this is a simple linear gradient.

[Example on left] Pangare Marking style will always have the gradient towards the edges of coverage, aka inwards to the body limbs. Edges of the body limbs will never have any gradients and should always be able to pick the original colour from the edge of the body limbs by admins or players.

[Example on right] This marking will also has the additional posibility that it can lay on top of markings, providing them with a 'secret' gradient without the use of Dual Tone. That being said, our admins will only pass this providing they can replicate this gradient easily. The only markings this 'secret' gradient can effect are Defier, Aura, Merle, Tabby, Sable and Blanket.

Things to avoid:
  • If your Pangare marking style does not blend softly or smoothly, containing some rough edges, holes or textured edges, there is a strong likelihood your design would be declined or get requested for changes to be made.
  • If using Dual Tone, then trying to make gradients come from all different directions. 
  • Avoid using hues which are not allowed other than the range in your base coat colour ranges.

Underbelly Marking Style


[image examples]

Colouration and interactions with other markings:

The underbelly marking style produces a more hard edge style and focuses more on being an 'all or nothing' type of marking where it covers majority of the underbody or is just the bare minimal. This marking style is the only one which allows the edges to be broken into 'sections' however they should still be hard edges. It will never have soft nor blending to the edges.

[Marking style Examples here]

Underbelly marking style may be white, black, lighter or darker than the basecoat. 

[Example on left] If you have Dual Tone in your pup's DNA, you are able to make not just one layer, but two of this underbelly marking style however the bottom layer must still be distinguishable from the base without any eye squininting involved OR create a gradient inside of this marking. You can not create both gradient and 2 layering, only select one out of these options or make Dual Tone affect other markings instead.

[Example on right] Both Aura and Merle markings will be the only exception to allowing softness to the marking edges due to their ability to create 'cloudy' effects to the body. Even then it would be minimal softness to the 'points' in the marking edges.

Markings when 'Accent: Underbelly style' may appear that it does not exist if you want it to would be when Piebald, Calico or Snowstorm is in the pup's DNA. As stated in the Void marking guide, this makes all markings appear as non existant.

[Example on right] Should you have Shine or/and Spectral, you can not use both Underbelly and Pangare style together when making these markings affect the styles. However you can use either or both markings to make the underbelly style appear as a bright, shiny underbody. Please be aware to do shiney underbelly at your own risk when applying backgrounds, as they don't always blend well. Should you want to make an import on top of a background, you will have to contact admins on our discord under 'design-help' under the 

Things to Avoid:
  • Blurring or softening edges when the marking style does not allow it.
  • Creating small 'holes' in the marking. It should be complete, even when drawing in 'sections', this should still look like a natural underbelly marking
  • Putting this style above other markings unless stated otherwise, should always appear above all markings except Void, Calico and Snowstorm.

Orca Marking Style

Colourations and interactions with other markings:

The orca marking style is a very specific marking style for accents and should be used in care. You will also notice this has it's own marking restrictions in the import file. You can not use this marking style with any of others listed above and the only markings this does not lay above is void and Spectral nor Shine can affect this marking. This marking can be lighter than the base coat to white. 


[Examples on left] This should replicate the markings you can find on the orca and should always appear in a similar pattern. 

Things to avoid:
  • Making this marking style appear too swirly/whispy
  • Have any holes within the marking


Blanket - Bla

Blanket - Bla (Common)

Category: Markings

Blanket is a marking which covers the majority of the back and hinde areas of the body, creating different types of Marking styles for you to choose from. This marking is known to add more simple, uniqueness and natural looks to your Mythikan, however there are more restrictions on what you can do with the fancier styles when other markings come into play with this marking. You will always find that this marking should be hard edged and never any other texture, layering above all apart from Accents, Void, Calico and Snowstom.

You can only choose only one of these styles and must state which style you have used. Be aware that if the parents have a selected style, you do not have to follow that same style of design.

Simple and Clean Marking Style

Colouration and interaction with other Markings:

This will always be 1 layer of a darker shade than the basecoat to give the Mythikan a plain and simple back marking. This can be done in sections over the back area, however there should not be any small 'holes' dividing these sections apart, having clear indications where the amrking starts and finishes. 

[ Examples ]

[Example on left] When other markings interact with Blanket, you can either use blanket's colour on the other marking to make it a simple design OR have the other markings layering on top of blanket, however if you are using the darker option to any marking, it must be darker than the blanket colour used to make the markings distinguishable.

Things to avoid:
  • If your design looks too patchy or unnatural looking marking, there is a strong chance your design would be declined.
  • Avoid using multiple colours or applying any gradients (except if you have Dual Tone

Avian Marking Style

Colourations and interactions with other markings:

This marking is very similar to the simple and clean marking style, however as the name states, it will create more 'feather/wing' like markings to the edges of the sections.

[Examples here]

Be aware that this marking style can only be used with other common markings except Sable. This marking style can only be used if the pup has barely any markings or is genobombed with common rarity markings.

Things to avoid:
  • This marking should not have any seperated markings from this marking.

Blanket with Merle  

[Examples ]

When merging blanket with Merle, blanket will set under merle, creating a different colour base for the merle markings. It would also prevent the merle from spreading outside of the blanket area you have set.


You can decide to have the Merle affect outside of the blanket area, but keep in mind that blanket would need to be visible with one big area filled in whilst with merle spreading around the edges. To have this option though, Merle will become only one colour and must be the same colour your chosen for blanket.

Glitz - Gli

Glitz - Gli (Common)

Category: Markings

Glitz creates spots over the body which can be small or medium sized spots depending on which you marking style you go for. This marking can cover over the entire body and should appear on at least one section of the body without eye squinting nor trying to guess where the marking is. It should cover at least 70% of the minimal coverage area listed below. If this marking is too hard to see on your Mythikan design, there will be a high chance of your design approval being instantly declined and asked to be reworked. You can only choose one marking style unless you are using Reversal with this marking.

Areas which are considered minimal coverage:
  • Neck
  • Chest
  • Shoulders / front legs (if Polymelia, should be both set of front legs)
  • Hips
  • Hind legs (If Polymelia, should be both back legs)
  • Tail

Speckles and Sparks Marking style

Colourations and interactions with other markings:

This marking style creates very small spots to bigger spots over the body. Even though these can be miliscule, they should still be visible without having to eye squint and see where you have placed this marking without needing to question where it is. Bigger spots would imitate animals such as leopards, hyena and cheetahs. These spots can be either darker or lighter than the base coat. Reversal does not affect this marking style at all.


[Example on left] Only with Spectral marking can you make the spots to be different colours and appear as polka dots over the body. Only with Spectral can you make the marking appear like a snow leopard spots.

[Example on right] Dual Tone can only make the spots fade out into the body. It would not create gradients over the marking at all. 

Things to avoid:
  • If you have both Spectral and Dual tone, you will need to pick one or the other. It can not add gradient to your polka dots and nor can it make your spots fade out either. If caught doing this, you will be asked to amend your design without it being checked.

Hex Marking Style

Colourations and interactions with other markings:

This immitates giraffe's hexaginal alike marking and mainly covers the majority of the body. It should start from the spine area and trail into the body. This should be darker than the base coate and should not have any other markings layering above or below it apart from Calico, Piebald, Accents, Blanket and Void


[Example on left] Only with Dual Tone can this marking fade into the underbelly areas. 

[Example on right] Reversal will only make the marking become lighter than the base coat.

Things to avoid:
  • Making this marking too circular
  • Creating small 'spots'. They should be easily visible.
  • Make the spots appear too liniar. 

Fawn Marking Style

Colourations and interactions with other markings:

This marking style is the only one which allows you to have a soft or smooth blurred marking ove the rob cage area with white, off white or cream spots on top.Where the spots start and finish will be smaller whilst the ones in 'the middle' will be bigger in size comparison. Spectral does not affect this markiing style at all.

[Examples on left] Shine will only affect the white spots and will only shine the same colour as the spots you are using.

[examples on right] On aquatic animals, this marking style will appear more like light relected wave marking than spots.

Things to avoid:
  • Making the spots look irregular and random. Try to keep the spots in a 'line' wrapping around the stomach and hips area.
Hood - Hod

Hood - Hod (Common)

Category: Markings

Hood is a marking which focus is over the head and neck, imitating natural like marking. This should only be a 'base' colour over this area to let other markings (if have any) create unique markings on top of hood. This markinng will always be spread from the tip of the nose down to the base of the neck. It should never be randomly placed over the area it is allowed in. 


Colourations and interactions with other markings:-

Hood can be either lighter or darker than the base coat, never a mixture even if you have dual tone or reversal.
You can also use the colour pallettes as below for this marking. 

[Palette of black ish-dark grey and also white-offwhite]

[Example on left] This marking can not be one side of the body alone, you will need other markings should you want the other side of the body to be different in their respective areas such as Merle, Tribal, Mask, Calico, etc.

[Examples on right] You can use Spectral to make the hood be another colour or brighter colour than what your base coat allows to make like various bird breeds.

Hood and Dual Tone

Colourations and interactions with other markings:-

If you decide to make Dual Tone affect Hood, you can create multiple variations of designs with hood, however they should still imitate natural like markings and not imitate any other markings within Mythika. Here are just a few marking ideas below. Ypi can also create gradient like markings.


Things to avoid:-

  • This does not create the marking to get a 'two sided' like face without harlequin or Chimera mutations being present. Only masked marking can lie on top of Hood and make this illusion.

Hood with Snowstorm

Snowstorm has a nulifying affect with hood, so should you have both hood and snowstorm in your pups geno, you must always only show Snowsstorm. With this combination, hood will only become a passable marking and should never appear on a Mythikan if these two conflicting markings are present.

Points - Pts

Points - Pts (Common)

Category: Markings

As the name of this marking suggests, it affects only the areas at the very tips or 'points' of each limb of a Mythikan. It will always start at the point of each limb and spread inwards into the body. Where you choose to place the marking within its marking range. The only must to this marking is that it should be natural looking and it should layer on top of every marking except Piebald and Calico..

The below image gives an example of how the marking should spread into the body,  with the red arrow showing the direction it should spread into the body.



Points have a specific colour range, even though you can use darker or lighter than the base coat, these colour pallettes are generated for you to use should you have any trouble picking colours, together with some colours which are more natural like.

[Examples for each coat colour plus a general one]

Bleeding and Blending

When it comes to blending the Points marking into the body, you can make it blend into the coat and then use the other markings surrounding it to 'cut away' and bleed into the Points marking. See below for some examples/


Marking Modifiers

Points does not get affected by marking modifiers such as Reversal, Dual Tone, Spectral and Shine. Void is the only one which cancels out this marking completely, but see this marking guide for how it works. 

If you have Snowstorm or Accents and do not wish to have points on your Mythikan, you can use this as a way to avoid not showing the marking on your Mythikan.

Sable - Sab

Sable - Sab (Common)

Category: Markings

Sable is a natural like marking which imitates the unique patterns which you can find on Huskies and should always use the colours provided in this guide dependant on which base coat your Mythikan has.

You can make the markings cover as much of the marking range as you wish, however this marking style still is fairly strict. It should not contain too many patterns over the body and remain simple but natural. This marking should not appear too much like Tribal nor Defier either. Here are some acceptable design ideas should you need them:-



Base Coat Palettes




Masked - Mas (Common)

Category: Markings

Masked is a marking which covers the face and the design is completely up to you and creates some uniqueness to the face. The only guide we have for this is to stick to natural like markings. It should not have any unnatural patterns which will be too closely related to Tribal. 



Colourations and interactions with other markings:-

As mentioned above, this marking is gives you more freedom to add some unique characteristics to your Mythikan, however we do have a set colour palette for this marking. On top of this, you can always use darker or lighter than the base coat.

[Additional Colour Palette]

All marking modifiers does not affect Masked at all. 

Dual Tone - Duo

Dual Tone - Duo (Uncommon)

Category: Markings

Dual Tone is more of a modifier than a marking which affects either a marking or if a standalone marking, it will only affect the base coat colour. However, should you have markings, you can make this modifier affect bother the base coat and markings. As long as this marking is present in the pups geno, you can apply it to any and all markings should you wish. There are only restrictions with this marking if it states it within the other marking guides. 

You can either use darker or lighter with your gradients. The gradient mainly consists of linear or radial gradients, however you can mix and match. 

Below are some examples of Dual Tone affecting the base coat alone and also some with modifying the markings. 


Merle - Mrl

Merle - Mrl (Uncommon)

Category: Markings

Merle is a marking which is similar to piebald but it is darker than the base coat but imitates merle dog markings. This should only be one layer and Reversal, Dual Tone nor Spectral can affect this marking. This should create patchy like areas over the body, but should not completely cover the body entirely. Below you can find some examples of this marking. 



Merle on Sphynx Builds

Whenever this marking appears on Sphynx builds, you have the option to make the marking appear more 'circular' than to be patchy like. 

Spectral - Spe

Spectral - Spe (Uncommon)

Category: Markings

Spectral is an unsual marking which allows you to make markings use all the colours on the spectral wheel, including ones outside of your base coat ranges, and you do not need any of Mythika's official alphas to have the more saturated colours. This marking does not affect the base coats at all and if this is the only marking within your puppies' geno, then it would not appear at all. However this marking can affect the paw pads, and tongues.


Snowstorm - Sno

Snowstorm - Sno (Uncommon)

Category: Markings

Snowstorm is a very specific marking and 'erases' all markings in the head / neck area of Mythikans and creates a gradient like marking with white 'spots' floating ontop of the gradient area. This will always start from the head as a base minimum and works it way down to the bottom of the neck. The head should be completely white and the gradient area should be on the neck area. Should you try to change this marking, admins can automatically request you to change it without looking over your design.



Colourations and how it affects markings in the head and neck areas:-

Snowstorm uses a very specific colour pallette which you can select from dependant on what base coat colour you can use.

[Palette colours]


Understanding Snowstorm Marking

Since Snowstorm is a very specific marking that if present in a geno, it will cancel out all markings which are based at the head area, the only exception will be Accents which would lie underneather snowstorm. Here is some tips for how to create the marking if you are struggling. On the left displays the direction the gradient will lay on the body, whilst on the right displays the minimum snowflake can show followed by how much you can 'stretch' out the gradient.



Tabby - Tab

Tabby - Tab (Uncommon)

Category: Markings

There are different ways which you can make and this marking is labelled as uncommon rather than common due to its specifics to marking styles. You can only select one out of the listed styles below and if you do not fit the requirements of the styles, you will need to go with the Tabby Cat style by default. Each style works differently so be sure to read about each one carefully.


Tabby Cat Style

This marking style imitates the natural swirl like markings which you can find on tabby cats. They should always have some structure over the body and ever appear as random lines over the body. 

Colouration and interactions with other markings:

Tabby will always be darker than the base coat and you can use the multiply affect over the body. 



Spotted Skunk Style

If you have Marked, Accents and Tabby all in a puppies geno, you can achieve the spotted skunk look. 



Aztec Tabby style

[Examples on left]With Aztec style, it does not create it's own marking but it creates a 'border' to a marking and must be the same colour of the marking you have selected to edge the marking with. 

[Examples on right] Only with spectral marking cna this appear as it's own marking colour.

Wilddog - Wdg

Wilddog - Wdg (Uncommon)

Category: Markings

Wilddog marking imitates the markings which cna be found on african wild dogs. 

Colouration and interactions with other markings:

darker than lighter colours


Wilddog with Reversal marking

Ror marking

Aura - Aur

Aura - Aur (Rare)

Category: Markings

Aura creates multiple different marking styles, but the bottom line of this marking is it creates smokey like markings over the body.

Calico - Cal

Calico - Cal (Rare)

Category: Markings

Calico is extremely similar to piebald, but creates a 'sheet' of dark grey to black splodges over the body. There is a slight difference between them though, Calico has more area covered and is less random over the body and gives you a free use of Accents marking without requiring it in the pups geno. You can use the example colour palette below if you are struggling with colours, which you can use on any base coat. Defier is the only marking which can appear on calico, however it should follow the stripes under the calico marking to achieve a stripe like marking on the darker areas. Examples below. 

Defier - Def

Defier - Def (Rare)

Category: Markings

Defier is a marking which creates striped markings over the body and has different styles for you to select from. There are multiple styles which you can choose from and you can only pick one style.


Tiger sttyle

Colourations and interactions with other markings:-

These markings will always be darker than the base coat You can use the multiply effect over the body.


Piebald - Pie

Piebald - Pie (Rare)

Category: Markings

piebald creates a white 'sheet' over the body with random 'holes' or areas cut out to show the base coat and colours which reside under the body.

104 results found.